Learn New Skills, Make New Friends & Have FUN!

2021 FALL SESSIONS (6-week sessions)1. August 16th-September 25th2. September 27th-November 6th3. November 8th-December 18th
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, please be aware that we will be administering strict new health and safety protocols, and modifying on and off court formats and schedules. All information is subject to change due to constantly evolving CDC, national, state and local guidelines.
Orange Ballers (ages 7-10)
Fridays 10-11am This class continues to Introduce tennis related techniques, movement, and the concept of rallying, as well as games designed to help learn the concepts of tennis in a fun and enjoyable style.
Junior Aces (ages 11-14)
Fridays 11am-12:30pm This program is designed for the intermediate junior player. Classes focus on developing proper stroke technique, consistency and match play, as well as preparing players for tournaments.
CURRENT CUSTOMERS: HOW TO REGISTER Do you have an account set up in the Tyler Athletic and Swim Club app? Use the app to complete your payment and sign up!
Are you a new player interested in our program? Fill out the inquiry form below and a member of our team will contact you to confirm class availability and process your payment to confirm your spot.
Have a Question? Contact Us at 937-949-0060 or info@kennedyklub.com